I SAW WHAT? Are you kidding me?

I went to a Phil Lesh/Bob Weir concert to disconnect. Reliving my years as a Deadhead and wanting to enjoy the moment without listening to the needs of others. When I say that, I mean: no mom on duty. 


I went with a friend and within 15 minutes into “Shakedown Street,” something shook me to my core. There are more than a thousand people in this concert hall and I turn in the direction of a lonely face in the crowd about 100 feet from me.  

(If anyone says I have a “gift” it really is the inability to shut up when I sense something.)  

I think it might be a curse.

I walked over to this man enjoying his smoke and these were my exact words..

“Why did you try to commit suicide?”

((Insert BUZZ KILL.))

Inside my head I’m saying: “WTH are you SAYING STEPHANIE?” I could hear my inside voice softly saying those words while hearing that outside voice, only a few beats later. It was like watching a LIVE TV show where the video is playing and you see the mouths moving and then the audio picks up a few seconds later out of sync.  And sometimes when a TV show airs live, they do a 5 second delay to avoid people going rogue and saying things which will get the network fined for vulgarity, etc.  Maybe I need my own censorship mechanism for my mouth.

My brain, my voice and my hearing felt out of sync.

There was no “Hi, how are you? Are you enjoying the concert? How many shows have you seen, light-hearted questions”.  Nope, went straight for the jugular.

But I swear to you, it felt like I was already in the midst of having a conversation with him. So it wasn’t like it came out of nowhere.. and yet, it did.

He looks at me “stone cold” and almost mechanically, like I was willing him to do this, lifts up his pant leg showing me a prosthetic leg. 

He says, “Everyone thinks it was a farm accident, but I jumped in front of a train. HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?”


He moves closer and asks again “How do you KNOW that?”  I had no idea, but I took a deep breath, apologized for disturbing his buzz, wished him well, patted him on the back and moved back to my corner of the room. Quarantined and praying nothing else came through for the rest of the show. But I continued to watch him periodically throughout the concert, smiling and letting him know I heard him. Whatever that meant in the moment.

When I got home I racked my brain to come up with some kind of answer.  Physically, in my human brain, there was no way I could have known what I said to him, the answer had to come spiritually, energetically. Maybe, just like when I flatlined and was able to have that veridical out of body experience, it was a soul connection.

I know now 37 Seconds of information in another dimension is much more than we consider in our every day timeline, so this quick download of information in the moment went beyond first impressions and is not unusual.

Two Brains

Is it possible to have TWO BRAINS. One that drives the body and one that drives the SOUL?  Yes, I believe it is.

Talk to any one of my doctors and they will tell you after I was intubated and my eyes were taped shut, there is no way I could have seen the things I saw after I flatlined. But the evidence is clear I DID.  Physically, it was impossible, and yet I knew things I shouldn’t know.

You are familiar with the sensation when you first meet someone and you feel you have known them forever. I believe souls find their way back to each other and when they see a recognizable essence, they know it. It is instant. Physically in this earthly world, you have never met, yet the feeling you definitely KNOW this person cannot be denied. That is a SOUL CONNECTION.

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

Photo by Matthias

When I left that young man at the concert, I know he was as perplexed as I was.  I also don’t believe in coincidences. I believe he was contemplating suicide again and in that moment, it was written all over his body and his soul was screaming out for anyone to notice.  No one was paying attention to this gentle and awkward man. He was alone. He felt alone.  Unaware he wasn’t.  Lucky for both of us, I noticed.

I am confident it was my SOUL speaking to HIS soul.  And this type of connection is what we need more of in the world today. 

Was it a “coincidence” I guessed right and happened to be there at the exact moment our paths crossed? You know my answer. What say you?

Be Kind out there. Life is about moments. Ones you can see and ones you feel.


4 Comentarios.

  • I think you have an amazing gift from God. Maybe that’s why he saved you. You’re suppose to be here to help people. Your work here on earth wasn’t done yet. It is just starting

    • StephanieAArnold
      junio 4, 2019 7:49 pm

      Thank you so much for reading the blog and for your comment. I think we all are here for many reasons and am grateful to G-d & great souls like you who connect because the work we are doing helps others! Thank YOU!!

  • Oh my gosh, I resonate with this post so much. I have had a handful of moments like this—freaky, how could this be type stuff—one of which happened when I was getting a massage. My masseur’s grandmother decided to use me as the conduit to let her grandson know how proud she was of his occupation, as it was his first real week working. She was the whole reason he became a massage therapist in the first place, because she’s come home bone tired from her job as an office cleaning woman and he would help to relax her muscles. She was an insistent presence. I couldn’t figure out how to tell him other than to just get on with it. Talk about awkward. I made him cry! He said he’d been missing her. Reading your post made me think of that moment and made me feel on a deeper level that our souls really to come around this planet more than once and for many different reasons. It makes me feel good to know that we can still connect with each other from a loving place and especially when we need to be reminded that we are loved. Thank you so much for sharing the story of your gift doing something so profound and important for another.

    • StephanieAArnold
      junio 4, 2019 7:54 pm

      I would have broken down crying if you said something like that out of the blue about my grandmother. Wow!!! Thank you for sharing this incredible story. I think we all need to keep talking about these experiences to help validate others experiences because many don’t believe they are real and many don’t have the confidence to speak up when they sense something is up. You just validated to me I am not the only one with these crazy out of the blue stories and I LOVE NOT BEING ALONE HERE! You gave that young man a gift.. and you probably had the best massage of your life.. even with the interruption! 😉 Thank YOU for commenting! I appreciate it and your experience.

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