I  am in love with my husband.  He has given up everything to make sure I am ok. He hates it when I brag about him being a PhD economist from University of Chicago, but I don’t care; I am extremely proud of him.

Jacob and Daddy

We were living in New York embarking on the next phase of his career as the Chief Economist for the New York Attorney General’s office. It was an incredible opportunity and his lifelong dream to follow his father’s example and give back to his community with government work. He loved the work and being back in New York for both of us was invigorating and exciting. Valentina, my stepdaughter, flourished and had access to some of the most amazing classes.  Our daughter Adina became a little adult, exploring museums, art history, ballet and children’s theater.

We were intending to be in New York for many years.  Then disaster hit. The recovery is ongoing. Jonathan has taken care of me since before I coded. With the kidney failure, cardiac arrest and subsequent physical scarring/healing it was next to  impossible to go back to New York. I had weekly doctor appointments, follow up exams, PTSD therapy and the inability to lift anything. So having the support and close proximity to those who helped save my life was imperative. Jonathan and I made the call to put his career on the back burner and focus on our family. It was hard.  I want him to reach the stars and have his dreams come true.  When we knew I was going to make it, I told him to go back to NYC and I would stay in Chicago.  I told him I could arrange for my family to come up and care for me.  He said “no,” and that he is my family and we needed to stay together. He made the right decision.  I now see that, given my continued recovery, we couldn’t have made anything else work.

My memory is not what it used to be and today I found out I have a hernia in my abdomen. I have only been able to lift Jacob or care for my daughter for brief periods of time because physically I am not strong enough. So Jonathan has done the heavy lifting.  Literally.  And figuratively.


I miss my independence. I miss being a mom. I am amazed how exhausted I am at the end of every day.  But Jonathan has the energy to make sure Adina and Jacob are bathed, books are read and they are sleeping well.  When Valentina is with us, he takes care of her needs too.  In addition, he flies across the country to see Valentina whenever there is a moment.  He amazes me.  I could not be alive spiritually, emotionally or physically without his love and support. I love you with all of my heart.

Your family is so lucky to KNOW you!

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