Inspiration means…

Today’s Chicago Woman magazine published their list of 100 Women of Inspiration of Chicago. I am proud to announce I am a part of their list. I am overwhelmed by the support and the acknowledgement from the readers and the magazine. It is a huge honor and I am grateful to have been chosen. Thank you Today’s Chicago Woman.




100 Women of Inspiration



Inspiration means “the process of being mentally

stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.


           I absolutely have been inspired throughout my life. Whether it was my mentor, Dennis Swanson in my earlier TV years, who pushed me to want more out of my career or more recently, Miranda Klassen, who founded the AFE Foundation and has sacrificed time and moments with her family to help others in crisis. I have always had people or moments that inspired me. Always.  So to now have people say to me that I inspire them is truly a gift.

          I survived.  Yes, I did.  And it inspired me to dedicate a big part of my life to creating awareness for this horrible condition from which many women suffer.  I am focused on speaking out and teaching people to not be afraid to listen to their senses and use their voice when they feel something is wrong.  I mean it when I say “If you SENSE something, SAY something.”  It will make a difference.

I never looked at personal success or one’s spiritual enlightenment as a definition of success.  Until now.  That definition of success is exactly where my life has taken me after my AFE.  I will quote Albert Einstein here:

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”  

        I want to add more value to society.  Personally, I now love deeper than I could have ever imagined.  I can’t believe I am going to say this, but it took the AFE for me to truly comprehend the depths my love for my husband and family could actually go.  Without it, I would have been limited.  So in a strange way, I am grateful for the “love-altering” effect this had on me.  My husband inspires  me to be the best I can be every day.  He does that for me and much more.  I want to be more like Miranda, who probably doesn’t know I feel this way, but I am in awe of her strength and her drive.  It is her personal passion and her work that is of great value to society.  She is making a difference.  And thank G-d she survived.  The world is a better place with her in it.


I would love to hear your stories of inspiration.  What inspires you? How did it change your life? I look forward to hearing from you.



