Happy Mother’s Day!

SistersHappy Mother’s Day! Whether you are a bio mom, stepmom, mom to a pet or any other form of nurturing mother, you deserve to be acknowledged today and every day, because you are affecting an impressionable young soul. My stepdaughter refuses to call me anything but “Mommy.” She says it is because I do everything a mommy should, so why would she call me anything else.  And when she is in front of anyone, she introduces me as her “mommy.”  I am blessed.  I didn’t think that would be the relationship I would have with someone who is not biologically related to me, but I have learned LOVE truly is a gift to give and receive.  And children receive it well. Adina calls me Mommy on a good day but then I get “Stephanie”– working on that one. Tonight Adina asked, “who do you love more?”  I said I have room in my heart for all of you and I love you all equally.  She didn’t press, so I moved on.  And Jacob is emerging upon his terrible twos.  He calls me “honey.” I guess he heard it one too many times from Jonathan. Or it is what all two year old boys say to their mothers.  Who am I to argue.  I think Jonathan might be getting a little bit jealous.

Jacob adina V and JJacob 1 yr old w mom bw

Whatever the connection or title, the love you have to give is so powerful, it can affect their lives. I’m ok with all of it. Except being called Stephanie by my daughter. I thought that was supposed to start during teenage years!




On this particular Mother’s Day, the
AFE Foundation featured our story.  I thank them for their continued support and will continue to support them to help Make Moms sAFE.  We know we are blessed for many reasons not only on Mother’s Day, but every daySisters flowers



I tell my girls this all the time.

Take the time to smell the flowers.




Lori Allen Photography
