Merry Christmas and CONGRATULATIONS to the AFE Foundation.

Miranda, Husband Bryce & son, Van

This is the time of year where we think about the past, give love and compassion to those around us.  Celebrate with family and treasure those amazing moments where our little ones are in awe of all the beauty around us.

I am so appreciative of everything I have in my life.  My husband is so humbled by all of the love and care we have received from complete strangers.  Our children continue to give thanks and appreciate all they have, which includes me still in their lives.

We cannot appreciate everything without the juxtaposition of many families who have been through similar circumstances as we have but their ending was far worse than ours.  We hear different AFE stories each week.  Horrific and miraculous stories of life and death.  We wish for all of these families to experience laughter, a moment of true bliss without severe pain, and peace in their hearts.

We, as a family, will never stop working towards a cause.  Helping families in need and caring for those who have been affected by such tragedy.  The AFE Foundation will work tirelessly to cure this condition.  And with the new year, founder Miranda Klassen has quit her job to work full time on the foundation and dedicate her complete working hours to the organization and its’ work. Congratulations Miranda. Here is to 2015 and making a big dent in this G-d forsaken illness.

Anyone wanting to help support the foundation or wishing to submit their information to Baylor College of Medicine for research purposes, please go to the Foundation’s website and register.  Any and all of the information you or your family has related to AFE can help the cause.
