Welcome to my first day as a blogger.

I didn’t choose this new career, it chose me. I survived an Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE) where many others did not.  I am a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and aunt, a Latina, a dog owner, and I have a love, a profound love for my new life. People ask me all the time how my husband was during this time of desperate need.  He was devastated. But, as a former Air Force pilot, he went into auto-pilot mode and did everything he could to be there, listen, talk to me and be my voice when I didn’t have one.  Now that I survived this rare complication, I can be the voice for others if they will let me.

After the outpour of encouragement, love and warm sentiments from people who saw my story, I realized many people still have questions or have a need to be at peace with what has happened to their loved ones.

I have created this site in hopes that all of you will share your stories, support the ones you read about by commenting on their lives, and give their voice a place to matter. Show them that they have affected our lives because you are acknowledging them.

My intent is to bring as many doctors, nurses, survivors, family members and many health care workers to our chat sessions each week to share knowledge so you feel confident on your next health care visit.   You are your best advocate.  Most doctors are amazing, but they don’t know your body the way YOU know your body. So here we will try to give you the confidence to ask the right questions and a platform to listen to your concern as best we can and prepare you for your next visit.  And through the comments, you can help me help produce those sessions by telling me overall the things you would like to know.

I am new to this. I am over 40 and not used to social media. I know what I don’t know and have entrusted this site and its content to people who have a respect for health, death and life.  I promise I will do my best to keep up with the demand in a timely manner, but please bear with me as I am learning to navigate these waters as quickly as I can.

Happy Holidays and truly, a Happy New Year!