What I learned from a Kabbalah Rabbi in Israel.

Last month our family did our first trek to Israel. Not for a summer vacation, but to welcome our daughter into adulthood.  In the Jewish religion, when a child turns 13 (or 12 if you are a girl) you celebrate by having a Bat Mitzvah.

I have been to Israel many times before, but this was the first time for my entire family.  The spiritual growth for every single member who was there, was astounding.
When you get the chance to go to Israel, or if you have ever been, you will visit the Kotel. The site where the Holiest of Holies prayed and where the Temple mount is located. The moment you lay your eyes on this holy site, you will FEEL a vibration, unlike anything you could possibly feel by staring at a picture. I urge you at some point in your life, to add this place to your bucket list.


There is another site, if you are fascinated by energy, mysticism and spiritual enlightenment, called Tzfat (or Safed).  This is one of the four Holiest cities in Israel (the others are Jerusalem, Hebron and Tiberias), located in the upper Galillee and is also known by many as the “City of Kabbalah”.


“Kabbalah is the Hebrew word for “receiving,” and is the mystical branch of Jewish wisdom. Kabbalah consists of teachings which are meant to help finite mortals to understand their relationship to their Creator, whose nature is believed to be infinite, eternal, and unfathomable. Kabbalists believe that understanding existence and the relationships between things which exist is the path to spiritual attainment”.


I have been on a search for WISDOM into what is happening to me and all around me. I want to know HOW I can see  some things and the mechanics of it all.  I have spoken with many smarter people than myself (including astrophysicists, neurosurgeons, psychics, spiritualists, rabbis, priests, doctors, PhD’s, astronauts and physicists) in search of something more than theories. This led me to Tzfat on a day off from bat mitzvah celebrations.
I met with Rabbi Amichai Cohen from ASCENT, a Kosher Kabbalah center, literally in the center of the “city of Kabbalah”. We spoke for an hour and one of the things he told me would stay with me forever.

He has had a few students with the “gift” I have. Some more pronounced than others. He explained how every, single one of us will one day have CLEAR CHANNELS to G-d.  However, many need to remove the filters clogging the communications from the Heavens to their soul. And some, who can see clearly, have had those filters eviscerated through experience, birth or enlightenment.  I think mine have been removed by a combination of all three.
I don’t look at my premonitions as a direct link to G-d, even though others do.  I do not say I am more connected than the next person, only that my sight is more finely tuned because of my experience. Just the way you have talents I don’t possess.  I believe we all have the capability to expand our intuition and get better at hearing the messages we miss by studying and exercising that part of our soul.


The thing I appreciated most, was what the Rabbi said about the channels.  We are all constantly channeling energy.  Whether you are stressed about work, or thinking about your child getting into the right college or having your own intuitive thoughts.  You are moving energy back and forth through your channel from point A to point B. If it doesn’t get to its final destination, the energy sits there, clogging your path.  And gets caught up in these filters.  The connectivity highway is now backing up with a lot of traffic.
So when you have an intuitive thought, it will take a while to get to its destination and can get mixed up with other signals, not only confusing the message, but logically, causing you to lack confidence in the message.  Because it isn’t a KNOWING, it is more of a MAYBE.
Releasing the stress will help you see and FEEL those messages much clearer.
SOOOOOOOO, How do you do that?
1) Start with all of the thoughts in your head which are unfinished or ever-growing and find a resting place for them.  If they are thoughts which cannot be completed at this juncture, write them down on a notepad and release them from your immediate thoughts.
2) Study.  This Rabbi told me the more we are educated about the mystical aspects of our lives, the more one will get the answers they seek regarding their own spiritual growth. Education is key to developing your soul connection to this expansive Universe. Take notes from your religion, from spiritualists and trusted sources in your life.
3) Meditate.  Whatever that looks like to you. Take a bubble bath, light candles, just close off the world for a few minutes to center yourself.  Clear those channels. Unburden yourself with the day’s stresses. Feel again from the depths of your soul.

Think of it as a cleanse. Stripping the filters of junk (noise) to be able to get the clear messages you want at the time you need them most.

You would not be able to fly a plane or ace a test or ride a bike or play a piano without studying, zoning in and practicing.  Why should this be any different?
Like I said before, we are all made up of energy and some can feel it more powerfully than others.  But EVERYONE, yes, I mean everyone, has the capacity to do it. Practice makes perfect!
See you on the other side!!!!
I hope some of this might help you the way it helped me.
How do you feel about channeling and is the above something to which you can relate? I’d love to hear your story and how connected you believe we all are.

