I never had any issues with shaking people’s hands or giving them the Latina kiss on the cheek in year’s past, but recent events have forced me to think otherwise.  I am understanding not everyone is earnest about why they are reaching out to touch me or what their true intentions might be. It can have a huge impact on my health if I am not the one initiating contact.

At a book event a few months back, this woman comes out of nowhere and smacks my shoulder.  Startled, I just looked at her and she smiled saying “I have never touched anyone who died.”


It was such a violent reaction to someone who I thought was coming with an open heart to hear me speak about survival and gratitude.  She was supposed to learn. Instead she came to touch a side-show circus act.  I felt violated and vulnerable. And then I got angry and silent.

Why should a tap on my shoulder render such outrage? Because she had energetically sucker-punched me and I was not prepared.

Remember the story of Houdini who would ask anyone to punch him in the stomach, when he was ready?  Then someone sucker-punched him and the very thing he was proud of performing, ultimately killed him.

I don’t think she set out to hurt me, she had been in pain and her sadness was all over her.  We were talking about life when it happened. I was not going to physically die there, but something shifted inside of me, almost immediately.

I wanted to take a shower and sleep, for hours, but I couldn’t go anywhere. I had to speak in 15 minutes.  I quickly excused myself and made way to the bathroom. I needed to get rid of what she had given me.  Maybe a physical flush would swoosh it away from me.  It was the symbolism people. It could work.

It didn’t.  Then I thought of something else.

I washed my hands and I meditated on the toilet in the little cubicle I was now calling my sacred “bowl.” It didn’t quite smell the same as my mediation room back home, but beggars can’t be choosers. I mentally released what wasn’t mine and sent it back to her as I put an invisible shield between me and the rest of the world.  This would block out what was being sent to me in the future and keep in what was mine. My essence.

No one has the right to touch that most sacred part of your soul WITHOUT PERMISSION.


Energy Vampires

I really had no idea what I was doing, but I needed a way out of what was feeling like a rollercoaster about to go over its peak. I washed my hands again and stepped outside feeling ready.

And luckily, that worked.

The energy people thrust upon you in person is real, but it doesn’t belong to you. We will talk about the virtual energy and people who want to harm you from afar in another blog or FB LIVE because it is significantly different and should be treated as such.

YOU have control of what you take on so be prepared.  And if you forget, you can also release it.  I learned this out of desperation. The intentional kind of way people set out to hurt you, can backfire immediately once returned to its rightful owner.

There are FOUR things you can do to extract it from your body. TODAY.

  • START IN A POSITION OF STRENGTH: I wake up every morning being GRATEFUL. Coming from a place of gratitude helps to give your foundation a boost to know when others try and give you some of their crap, you are starting the day off with a very solid place of appreciation and compassion for others. When you get knocked off of your energetic feet, you won’t fall far. Think of it as an immune booster vitamin C.

    • Check out this video about thanking rice and how it reacted after months. Imagine if you gave yourself gratitude as well as to those you love,  how all our souls would grow.

      Food Revolution
  • WEARABLE REMINDERS: I wear certain beads. Some crystals like onyx, rose quartz and jade ward off negative energy. Whatever you believe, they are a physical reminder for me to go into protective mode. If you give them power, they have power. And my beads are an extension of my heart and soul. They are authentic and strong. Think of them like a bullet proof vest. They could break, chip or get banged up, but the important, vital organs are in-tact. And you survive.

  • RETURN TO SENDER: Mentally imagine the perpetrator. You know your body. You know you didn’t feel this way before you had this contact, so it is likely you know who it is. MEDITATE. It takes 2 MINUTES. Imagine gift wrapping this little gem of crap you have in your body. Wherever it lies. And imagine pulling it out of your body and putting it in a box C.O.D. to whomever it belongs. Let them pay for its return. 😉 Sayonara


  • CLEANSE YOURSELF:   When I get the wind knocked out of me, I retreat to a hot bath with EPSOM SALTS. The salt bath removes negative energy around your body and helps get you back to center.  I add Lavender oil as well to relax.

  • As a side note, plants and flowers around you are a good indicator something is growing or something is dying around you.  Meaning they vibe off of your vibrations.  I have planted the same plants and flowers for years inside of my home. When they die quickly, it isn’t because of the temperature change, it is whoever is around them all the time, indicating someone needs a cleanse.

All of these work for me and as I learn new a quick techniques I will continue to share them as they come.  Stay strong and never give anyone permission to touch your soul, until you are ready.
